(717) 430-2866
How much does a LINE-X bed liner cost?
If you own a pickup you need a bedliner for it. It offers protection for the bed from the equipment and materials that you put in it and from the elements that seek to corrode it. There are numerous products and methods that can be used to protect you bed and since you are here reading this you are at least considering LINE-X. It’s a great choice and we do recommend it, but then we are a bit biased.
The cost
You certainly have a lot of questions and first and foremost is how much does a LINE-X bedliner cost. The answer is about $500 and it can go up to $700. The price can vary due to the size of the bed and also with any upgrades but that is approximately the average price. The bigger question though should be what do you get for that price and how does it compare to other methods of protecting the bed of your truck?
No protection, the cheapest way to go
If you have a new truck your bed looks great with that fresh coat of paint. But certainly you know someone with that old, beat up truck. Their bed does not look so good. The paint has long since chipped away due to the everyday wear and tear that is expected from a pickup. If no protection was ever in place rust and corrosion have taken over and combined with the dings and dents it will cost more to fix and depreciates the resale value of the vehicle. Sure it adds some character but that is about it.
Drop-in bedliners or a bed mat, not the best way to protect your truck
A popular option is a drop in bedliner or a bed mat. These can be a cheap way to protect the bed of the truck (between $200 and $500) and can also be very quick to install. You get what you pay for though. Drop in bedliners warp and crack easily. Bed mats can get moldy necessitating replacement. When the drop in liner warps or cracks it is very easy for debris or moisture to get under it and at that point it is like you might as well not even have it. At this point they cannot be repaired and a new one will be required.
It is also possible for drop-in liners to slide out of the truck while it is in motion which poses a hazard to other motorists when they come loose from their moorings. Yes, drop-in liners do require holes to be drilled in the bed to secure the liner in and those moorings can break..
Let’s face it as well, they just look cheap. It is low-quality black rubber that is sure to fade over time when it exposed to UV rays. It will not take long for warping and cracking to appear ruining not only the look of the bedliner but also its protection. They also come in only one color, black. Henry Ford may have approved of that with the Model T but this is not the 1920s.
Spray on with LINE-X, the best and most efficient way to go
Spray on bedliners are the best option. Most cost between $400 and $600 and provide a durable protective layer that can be applied in any color. As long as it is sprayed to the right thickness it will not be easily gouged or dented and it will not only last a long time it will look good too. No drilling required! LINE-X bedliners are extremely durable and come with a lifetime warranty. That is how much we stand behind our product. A LINE-X bedliner is guaranteed not to crack, bubble or flake and they can even stand up to UV rays with special UV protection (upgrade extra). Should anything damage the bedliner LINE-X can also repair it and that could be done potentially at no cost to the client.
For around $500 you can add to the resale value of your vehicle while at the same time protect it from the elements and any material that you need your truck to haul to get the job done. Considering the cost of a drop-in bedliner LINE-X could pay for itself by the second go around and with bed mats needing to be replaced every few months a LINE-X bedliner would pay for itself within 2 years at worst. Half of drop-in liner users have switched to spray-on bedliners and for good reason.
Why throw your money away? Just get a LINE-X bedliner and never have to worry again!
About LINE-X of South Central Pennsylvania
LINE-X of South Central Pennsylvania is the leader in vehicle undercoating protection using Krown products and truck bedliners using LINE-X spray-on bedliners. We serve York County to help maintain and extend the life of vehicles. If you are in York City, Hanover, Red Lion, Manchester, Dover, Dillsburg, Shrewsbury or any point in between stop in at our Vogelsong Road location to see what we can do to protect your vehicle. No one knows protection better than LINE-X and the premium performance and exceptional value that it brings.