(717) 430-2866
Preparing Your Truck To Spring Ahead
Trucks are our hardy companions during winter. Not only do the powerful beasts help us to survive the harshest of elements that mother nature can throw at us, but they also help us to do our work and run our errands with ease.
With the end of winter, however, comes spring. During this time, checking your truck is imperative. Winter may have given your truck a nasty beating and spring is probably the best (and only) time for you to check for any and all damages your truck may have sustained. Not to mention, it’s a good time to prepare it for the summertime, where it may get beaten up all over again.
What exactly should you look out for? We’re here to help. Below is a spring cleanup checklist that we’ve prepared for you:
Inside Maintenance
- Check your filters: Make sure that there’s no dangerous build-up caused by the winter season.
- Check your wipers: You’ll need good wipers for spring.
- Check your oil: Whether you changed it just two months ago isn’t important. The winter season may have caused damage during its last few days so, to be safe, have it checked.
- Check your engine: Your engine may have taken an icy beating and could be at risk, so get it checked as well.
- Check your bulbs: Make sure that all your bulbs are still functioning well.
- Check your A/C: You may have used your heater a lot during the winter, so have your A/C checked to see if it’s still fully efficient and functional. Spring can be hot and humid, so a functioning A/C is essential.
Outside Maintenance
- Check your tires: See if your tires are due for a change, and if they’ve sustained any damage caused by the icy roads.
- Check your shocks: Winter may have caused large amounts of stress on these, so have them looked over by an expert to find out if a replacement is necessary.
- Check your brakes: This is crucial and very important. Brakes need to be strong and fully-functional, so you need to have them checked for winter damage.
- Check for paint damage: A minor thing that you could probably do without, but it wouldn’t hurt to check, nonetheless.
Miscellaneous Checklist
- Use a pressure washer: Winter may have caused dirt and water to adhere to your truck, and leaving these behind can cost you. So, make sure to clean your truck with a pressure washer.
- Apply rust protection: Fighting off rust is imperative during spring. Krown rust control is a good product to use in order to slow down or inhibit the corrosion of your truck,
- Give your truck a protective coating: Protective coatings can help extend the life of your truck. Line-X is a great product to consider for this.
About LINE-X and Krown of South Central Pennsylvania
LINE-X and Krown of South Central Pennsylvania is the leader in vehicle undercoating protection using Krown products and truck bed liners using LINE-X spray-on bed liners. We serve York County to help maintain and extend the life of vehicles. If you are in Loganville or Lewisberry, Delta or Dover, West York or Wrightsville, or any point in between, stop in at our Vogelsong Road location to see what we can do to protect your vehicle. No one knows protection better than LINE-X and Krown and the premium performance and exceptional value that they bring.