We are proud to offer LINE-X products to our customers and community. Our 15+ years of industry experience combined with the incredible quality of our LINE-X products and the attention to detail that goes into every installation is what really sets us apart. In addition to our LINE-X Protective Coatings and accessories we offer Krown Rust Protection, the best rust protection service since 1986. Please give us a call or stop by soon.

At Krown, we work hard to deliver to our customers the best product, service and warranty in the industry. A visit to our Krown Centre means your vehicle will look better, last longer, maintain a higher resale value and will even be safer to drive. In addition, having your vehicle treated at Krown will actually save you money by reducing repair costs and lengthening the lifecycle of your vehicle. To top it all off, we offer our customers peace of mind by using only environmentally friendly products. We value your business and look forward to seeing you at our location. Give us a call today and start experiencing the many benefits of Krown!

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